Mr. Welch's Blogarhythms is the site for 6th grade math at Baker school. Here you will find weekly syllabi, challenge problems, and interesting math-related links. You can also leave comments and questions for the math master himself.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Math League tomorrow, November 1st

Don't forget to come to Math League practice tomorrow at 2:15 if you plan on being part of the team. This is the year Baker trounces all Brookline-based competition!

Friday, October 27, 2006

Bizarro Mystery Device Bonus

Winston Bizarro incorrectly assembled his mystery device with 12 inner arms instead of 4! The # of beads per arm is also different from the standard mystery devices we used in class.
What is the highest # you can build on Winston's device assuming that you can't flip out the arms and that you have to build every number between 1 and the highest number?

This bonus question is not on a first-come, first-receive-bonus-point basis. Your solution is due on Monday.

DO NOT post the answer on this (or any other) site.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Abacus -> Abaci Bonus

Click here to visit a cool site on the Abacus.

What # is being displayed by the abacus in the picture?

Also, one bonus point for the first person to list ten words that, like Abacus, change from a us to an i in the plural form.

Friday, October 06, 2006

A Bonus Point...

for the first person to write out the following number in words and post his/her response on the website.


A second bonus point for figuring out how I picked the digits of the above number.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Trademarks Used Generically

All of the terms below were (are) brand names that are sometimes used generically - that is, to identify all products of a certain type, regardless of whether the product was actually produced by the company that owns the brand name.
How many of these did you know?

An advertisement for the original Popsicle.

Band Aid
Cola (from Coca Cola)
Dixie Cups
Hacky Sack
Kitty Litter
Ping Pong
Post-It Note
Scotch Tape
Wiffle Ball

Partial list taken from this site

Mr. Welch's Favorite Basketball Player is...

Hakeem "The Dream" Olajuwon