
As you no doubt remember, our worksheet contained the following three Swifites:
"I hate playing tic-tac-toe," Tom said crossly.
"I wish I were six feet tall," Tom said longingly.
"I just flew in from the coast," Tom explained.
Michael J. was the first student to come up with new Swifties. His two were:
"I wish I weren't so short," Tom said briefly.
"I wish I had some money," Tom said lonesomely.
Let's see how many Swifties we can come up with as a grade. Post your best puns here.
mr.welch- i have a question on the LA Extension HW. Can you suggest some article headings that I can do with NCAA College Basketball or some big stars such as Kevin Durant or Greg Oden............
Any suggestion would be great!!
I am thinking of some Swifties as well...
3:24 PM
"I went hunting" Tom barely utered
4:40 PM
I have some, me and Alex W. got a good 1. "I hate Antarctica", Tom said coldly.
These 2 I made up:
"I love eating milk chocolate", Tom said cowardly.
"I love making up Swifties", Tom said imaginatively.
5:55 PM
"I love cows," Tom uttered.
6:00 PM
What did the plus say to the minus?
6:01 PM
The two above (by Wilbert) are all for extra credit points Mr. Welch.
6:02 PM
Hi again. I was about 2 post my 10,000 random generator numbers. But then I saw how slow the list went up. I guess it's good i didnt. I probably would have won the award "Longest Post Ever". Oh Well...
Still thinking of Swifties.
6:03 PM
Hi Wilbert
6:04 PM
"I like phone numbers," Tom called out.
6:08 PM
Hi mysterious person called, "Naty". Reveal your self.
6:10 PM
o lol its nathaniel
6:11 PM
"I hate wearing soccer uniforms, because the shorts are too short," Tom said revealing his feelings toward soccer uniforms.
6:14 PM
Haha; good stuff, guys.
6:22 PM
mr.welch- u didnt answer my question???
10:36 PM
"I hate the night" Tom said darkly
"Its a sunny day" Tom said brightly
"Can we PLEASE go hunting?" Tom asked endearingly
Those are some swifties i made up
- Alexi
11:22 PM
"These pants are too short" Tom revealed
- Alexi
11:35 PM
"Lets go on the web" Tom said exSITEdly
"These are my sources" Tom said exCITEdly
- Alexi
11:41 PM
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
11:42 PM
"It can get worse than 120 degrees in the desert" Tom said feverishly
"We're studying equations during math" Tom said evenly
- Alexi
12:12 AM
"Going to the bathroom takes so much time" Tom said peevishly
1:04 AM
that was from alexi*
1:04 AM
Alexi - well done!
Shiraz - I'm not quite sure what your question is...
8:51 AM
How about:
"We should take the MCAS every month!" Tom protested.
8:53 AM
to suggest some articles i can write with the NCAA or Durant b/c you said i couldn't do the top ten picks of the draft......
12:06 PM
Haha i like the MCAS one
- Alexi
1:43 PM
"For social studies we're doing geography" Tom stated
5:35 PM
5:35 PM
"dont get 2 tall on me frodo" tom said shortly
5:57 PM
"I can see a turtle" Tom said slowly
- Alexi
6:09 PM
"I'm not in denial," Tom denied.
6:46 PM
daniel krane
6:46 PM
"I like reading about ghosts," Tom said hauntingly.- Daniel Krane
6:48 PM
"I like little, devilish creatures," Tom said impishly. Daniel Krane
6:50 PM
"I love to play computer" Tom said gamely
- Alexi
7:34 PM
Some good ones!
8:39 PM
"That't not true! I hate Vice President Cheney," Tom contradicted.
8:40 PM
hahahaha good one mr.welch......
so can you suggest something for me to write about
i want to write about the NCAA but dont know what to do.....
in longing of help
here is a good one (right)...
"I dont need help" said Tom askingly. lol
these are fun
9:06 PM
mr.welch- go to my swifty site at http://shiraz-swiftys.blogspot.com
some of them are good ones (I think)
9:23 PM
hello! I'm Eagon sister. Your Blogarhythms is cool. Oh yeah... i have a question.. is six grade hard?
bye - y
9:30 PM
Cool site, Shiraz.
Why don't you write about who is better: Oden or Durantt?
11:20 PM
"This sword is capable of slicing through pure steel" Tom said, a sharp edge to his voice (or Tom said sharply if thats too long)
- Alexi
11:50 PM
"That rock certainly has a very sharp edge" Tom pointed out
- Alexi
1:17 AM
thanx......... that would be good
alexi- you come up with a lot of good swiftys
10:00 AM
"I'm in hot water," Tom said while sweating. Daniel Krane
5:57 PM
"Where is my mop," Tom said while wiping his brow. Daniel Krane
5:59 PM
"I like starign at the moon," Tom mentioned with a curved smile. Daniel Krane
6:00 PM
" I like making baskets," Tom said while shooting a stare at Richard. Daniel Krane
6:01 PM
"Alfred Hitchcock rules," Tom said while looking North by Northwest. Daniel Krane
6:02 PM
"Alfred Hitchcock is good at coming up with scary movies," Tom said outside while watching The Birds.
6:03 PM
"I love dirt," Tom said in reply while being brought back down to earth. Daniel krane
6:04 PM
The second alfred hitchcock is mine too- Daniel Krane
6:04 PM
"Saurkraut tastes good on hotdogs," Tom said while staring longingly at a piece of cabbage. Daniel Krane
6:05 PM
"You'll be in trouble if you go anywhere near that active volcano" Tom said heatedly
- Alexi
P.S. Thanks for the compliment Shiraz
6:33 PM
no problem
ppl go to my site at
add lots of comments plz
alexi- put lots of comments on
8:25 PM
"Shall we go on with the movie?" Tom asked sarCASTically
- Alexi
10:43 PM
"Lets go riding" Tom said hoarsely
12:17 AM
12:17 AM
"I am wide awake" Tom said sleepily
-Teddy your future dictator
6:51 PM
Frenchy your a beast at this
7:41 PM
who is frenchy
stin- how is yur team (Tigers)
james has a broken thumb so he wont play for 3 weeks - one month
we r scrimmaging u on tuesday
9:56 PM
"Theres a red light" Tom said haltingly
"Go to Alaska and find out if it's cold" Tom said icily
- Alexi
P.S. Thnx Austin
9:58 PM
"It's smashed into little pieces" Tom said brokenly
- Alexi
12:51 AM
"i want to be a jester for halloween" Tom said foolishly.
4:06 PM
"I want that light for my room" Tom said brightly.
4:07 PM
"Dad, can i have that race car?" Tom said quickly.
4:11 PM
"Robert Gates is so cool!" Tom said defensively.
4:12 PM
"I love animals" Tom said sheepishly
4:13 PM
all of my swifties are for extra credit
4:14 PM
To Eana,
you'll LOVE sixth grade (wink wink). it's not hard at all (twitch twitch)
Rebecca the Great
4:22 PM
"I like finding averages," Tom said in a mean voice.
"I like subtracting the biggest and smallest numbers in a set of data," Tom said in his Range Rover.
"I like flying saucers," Tom said alienated.
4:39 PM
"You're the ugliest thing I've ever seen" Tom said smugly.
"You should pencil back in those letters" Tom remarked
- Alexi
5:06 PM
"Asia is so big, only the sea is bigger than it on the map" Tom said blandly
- Alexi
5:18 PM
"I love that light!" Tom beamed.
9:34 PM
my first swiftie about a light was a mistake
9:35 PM
"No-one can see through this fog" Tom said mysteriously
11:42 PM
"Shallwegoseetheplay?" Tom asked skittishly
- Alexi
11:55 PM
The fog thing was also mine
- Alexi
11:55 PM
"Don't try to pet that turtle unless you want your finger bitten off" Tom snapped.
- Alexi
12:09 AM
2:49 PM
"I bet someone throws something at them" Tom chuckled
3:21 PM
3:21 PM
"I don't really like rodents" Tom said shrewdly.
~anna b
4:00 PM
"Tomorrow is 3-14-07" Tom said sweetly
~anna b
5:04 PM
"I like finding the median of a set of data," Tom said while on the interstate.
"I like underwear," Tom said breifly.
"You're my homie," Tom said while standing in his mansion.
"I'm from the hood," Tom said while wearing his sweatshirt.
7:40 PM
Frenchy I really like ur swifties
8:10 PM
- Alexi
11:25 PM
"Did the Red Sox beat the Yankees?" Tom wondered.
"Where should we go swimming?" Tom pondered.
"We'll need a pole to lift this rock" Tom said cleverly.
- Alexi
11:59 PM
"Its no use, this knife isn't sharp at all" Tom said dully
- Alexi
1:59 PM
"I'm sweating," Tom said with a hot head.
6:43 PM
A lot of your swifties are weird, but cool. At least Sara didn't put up hers about the Holy Shoe. It's really lame! Here are my swifties!
"I hate the night." Tom said darkly.
"I don't think Schilling's a good pitcher." Tom said curtly.
He he he he! I like Schilling though!
-Anna P. The Awesomest!
8:18 PM
Mr. Welch,
Both of my swifties are for extra credit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-Anna p. the awesomest!
8:34 PM
Dear Anna P. The Awesomest,
Super though your swifties be
Extra credit is up to me.
-Mr. Welch
8:56 PM
"My shoelaces are untied," Tom said loosely.
4:26 PM
Frenchy ur a BEAST at this, how do u come up with them,
5:20 PM
"I like dogwood trees," Tom barked
"I like dogs," Tom barked.
7:07 PM
"You can hope you don't get eaten by anything in the forest" Tom said wolfishly.
- Alexi
P.S. Thanks stin, i try
6:47 PM
"Let us go see the clown" Tom said majestically
"The Europeans are our friends" Tom said royally
- Alexi
7:40 PM
"If you don't put on the headphones, they WILL get you" Tom said eerily
- Alexi
10:00 PM
"Watch out for that corner" Tom said sharply.
"Take the picture" Tom said flashingly.
"Take the picture" Tom said snapply.
I am getting better at these
"I love math" Tom calculated.
Pretty good
Alexi- I am catching on to you.
7:42 PM
Mr.welch- consider some of these swifties extra credit especially the math ones.
7:43 PM
"I hate Alexi," Tom said while buying his ticket to France.
P.S. No Offence Alexi
10:45 AM
"I like sword fighting," Tom said deFENCEively.
P.S. You can change the spelling. I just wanted to make it clear.
10:47 AM
"I like airplanes," Tom said in an elevated voice.
10:48 AM
"Want to hear a dirty joke," Tom said cleanly.
10:49 AM
"I like iPods," Tom said selfishly.
10:51 AM
"I like mopping," Tom said cleanly.
10:52 AM
"I hate seafood," Tom said selfishly.
10:54 AM
"I hate seafood," Tom said selfishly.
10:54 AM
"I like BIcycles," Tom said a second time.
10:56 AM
"I like circles," Tom said roundly.
10:57 AM
"I hate the World SERIES," Tom said sequentially.
"I hate the number system," Tom said sequentially.
10:59 AM
"I like birds," Tom chirpped.
"I hate chorus," Tom sung.
11:02 AM
"I like wishing," Tom said like a shooting star.
11:03 AM
...wishing (for things)...
11:04 AM
"I like poems," Tom said dramatically.
P.S. A "Dramatic" is a type of poem.
11:06 AM
"I like Air Heads," Tom said sourly.
P.S. An "Air Head" is a sour candy.
11:08 AM
"I'm humgry," Tom spoon fed to the audience.
11:09 AM
Humbry should be HUNGRY
11:09 AM
"I was wide open," Tom said in a small voice.
11:11 AM
"Me hope question right," Tom said wrongily.
P.S. don't change the grammar. only spelling.
11:13 AM
"I like envelopes," Tom said inForming his friends.
"I like envelopes," Tom said inFORMally.
11:14 AM
"I always mobile," Tom said on his cellphone.
11:15 AM
Mr. Welch- You can change "hate Alexi" into "like Alexi" if I was using a dirty mouth.
11:17 AM
"I like soup," Tom said warmly.
11:21 AM
Mr. Welch:
Turn all of my "hates" into "likes"
(If it makes my chances of getting extra credit small)
11:22 AM
"Than I had hit the ball," Tom said with an impact.
"It was a wild car crash," Tom said with an impact.
11:44 AM
"I'm not a phony," Tom said with his new mask on.
11:45 AM
"I like our independence," Tom declared.
(Declaration of Independence) GET IT!!
11:47 AM
"I don't think that the jury always shares its true feeling," Tom said judgingly.
11:48 AM
My other one was wrong:
"I don't think that the jury always writes down their true opinion," Tom said judgingly.
11:49 AM
"I like it when I find a figure with lines that go on forever without intersecting," Tom said while parellel parking.
11:51 AM
I made a mistake on another one:
"I like the drops of a juicy drop pop," Tom said sourly.
11:55 AM
"I like trains," Tom said while losing TRACK of time.
12:03 PM
I think I caught up to you alexi. I think i have 35 swifties.
12:07 PM
yeah wilbert some good ones
but the best are all by me of course
mr.welch- my article will be pretty long maybe 3-4 pages is that ok
10:31 PM
the best are all by me Shiraz your website is full of mine!
- Alexi
6:30 AM
haha it works now!
First of all, I have a bunch of comments.
Wilbert - You may be getting to mme but I think the time you were posting those comments is getting to you...you made about 1,000 mistakes! And it's not about how many swifties ya make (though I also have 35 when I add these two on) its about how good they are...like that French one was TERRIBLE >.<
Shiraz - Sure you might be catching on...
Anna P. - Ermm you seem to have posted one of my swifties by mistake...you can have extra credit for that since I'm posting Sara's Holy Shoe joke for her :D
To the world in general - The only reason I have not been posting swifties is because I have been in England.
Mr. Welch - Sorry if this post is too long and/or personal
"It could be anywhere in the Savannah" Tom said flatly
"That is the least thirst-quenching drink in existence" Tom said dryly.
- Alexi
P.S. Like I said, just to tick you off I'll put Sara's Holy Shoe joke up: Q. What did the religious shoe say to the non-religious shoe? A. I'm just a HOLEY/HOLY shoe. Hehehe...if that gets extra credit give it to Sara.
6:41 AM
Darn you alexi and your awesome swifties too.
And I didn't steal any one of Anna's jokes. Maybe she stole them from me?
I do admit mine were pretty bad though. I was just typing anything. And made lots of mistakes.
8:10 AM
"I like machines," Tom said robotically.
finally the big 40
(i recounted)
8:25 AM
u hd cunted rite, 40, bt alexi hd ddnt,36
8:39 AM
Who wrote that. He ha ha he. Nice use of grammar. Everyone count up how many swifties they have and than we can actually know how many the grade has made. Because we haven't made 141. The first comment posted isn't even a swifty.
WOW AM I BORED. (Random)
9:43 AM
Or 142 which will than be 143
9:43 AM
"They went to get new paper" Tom said blankly
"Look, the field is full of goats" Tom bleated
"BUSH OWNS 200 H-BOMBS!!" Tom said explosively
"My favorite thing to do is to sneak around" Tom said rogueishly
"Let's hope your candle keeps burning" Tom said WICKedly
- Alexi (With a teeny bit of help from my English cousin James)
P.S. I believe that makes 40?
3:44 PM
Sorry 41
- Alexi
3:45 PM
who cares omg!!!! is it a contest
mr.welch- my article is likr 5-6 pages with size 12 font
should i put it to 10?
here is one
"Alex, clean your shoes" Tom said wipingly.
what now ohhhhhhhhhhhhh
6:46 PM
i meant like 5-6 pages
6:47 PM
My final Alexi Tom swifty:
"I like Alexi," Tom with a French accent. (My final one)
"I like chickens," Tom told Alfred Hitchcock.
P.S. yeah who cares who has more. Alexi how do you think up of those like that. all you need is a challenge.
9:14 AM
and a teensy weensy bit of help from an english cousin.
9:16 AM
Wilbert and Alexi -
You guys are swift of mind!
Two things to remember, though:
1. It's not a competition!
2. No insults!
Let's keep the emphasis on the great (and some not so great :) puns.
Shiraz - 5-6 pages is plenty long.
Hope everyone is enjoying vacation!
-Mr. Welch
10:28 AM
I'm sitting at home doing nothing. The only good thing about vacatino is NO HOMEWORK.
10:39 AM
"I like caramel," Tom said sweetly.
10:41 AM
"I think everyone should be considered equal," Tom said squarely.
10:44 AM
"Should I drink water," Tom PONDered.
10:49 AM
10:50 AM
"One move and the knife goes in her throat" Tom pressed his point
"And so the briefcase cannot have contained drugs, only sleeping pills" Tom rested his case
- Alexi
P.S. Yeah sorry bout the cockiness, won't happen again
6:02 PM
Sara says if the shoe joke gets extra to give some to Katy too because she helped
- Alexi
9:52 PM
" I fixed the light bulb!" Tom said brightly.
9:58 PM
" He's running so fast!" Tom said dashingly
10:12 PM
"We're trapped in the cemetery" Tom said gravely
- Alexi
10:14 PM
If I counted right we have close to 126 as a grade!! Awesome!
- Alexi
8:26 AM
"I like rainbows," Tom said colorfully.
9:35 PM
"My favorite fraction is 1/3," Tom repeated.
(1/3=.33[barred]=repeating decimal)
9:40 PM
"Ain't alliteration awesome?" Tom asked.
(This senctence uses alliteration)
9:43 PM
"I'm very fast," Tom Swifty said.
9:49 PM
Make that 130.
9:52 PM
"I don't like pi at all," Tom said irrationally.
10:03 PM
10:04 PM
(Pi is an irrational number
12:38 PM
Wilbert, you stole my Alfred Hitchcock jokes. Daniel Krane
12:05 PM
"Let's go up to the attic" Tom said loftily
- Alexi
6:41 PM
"You will see and evil demon if you don't go to heaven" Tom said devilishly
- Alexi
5:19 PM
"My backpack weighs a pound." Tom anOUNCEd
6:44 PM
6:44 PM
"Is it time for math class?" Tom added.
6:46 PM
"Did you study for the test?" Tom noted.
6:50 PM
"Let's play saxoophone and clarinet." Tom said REEDingly.
6:51 PM
"I love the duck tours." Tom quacked.
6:55 PM
"I love nuts." Tom said and then cracked up.
6:55 PM
"What should the title be?" Tom said boldly.
6:57 PM
"I love puppies." tom said with a growl.
6:58 PM
8:25 PM
"why did you hit the rock with that hammer" Tom said smashingly
10:25 PM
"Oh, its just a couple of hurricanes and tornadoes" Tom said airily
8:50 PM
8:51 PM
"The sun stays up for 764 hours on this planet" Tom said lightly
- Alexi
8:53 PM
"you're fried" Tom said hottly"
4:31 PM
Hehe... Tom may seem like an evil maniac in these but whatever
"Let's go watch the execution" Tom said HUNGrily
"Forget these fill-outs I have to do, let's go fight the enemy!" Tom said, bloodlust filling his "I's"
(Get it...writing the letter I and bloodlust to eyes...it's kinda lame but I like it =D )
- Alexi
10:59 PM
10:21 AM
Mr. Welch when is the Math Mcas!!!!
3:03 PM
The Syllabus should be updated
3:05 PM
"My mom is taking me to the doctors" Tom said Patiently
3:09 PM
"He runs fast" Tom said quickly
3:10 PM
Who is s$$??
- Alexi
3:27 PM
"I love cows," Tom uttered.
2:20 PM
"I wished I lived underwater" Tom said dryly
7:42 AM
"I hate the Yankees," Tom said patriotically.
2:58 PM
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