Bizarro Mystery Device Bonus
Winston Bizarro incorrectly assembled his mystery device with 12 inner arms instead of 4! The # of beads per arm is also different from the standard mystery devices we used in class.

This bonus question is not on a first-come, first-receive-bonus-point basis. Your solution is due on Monday.
DO NOT post the answer on this (or any other) site.
Shiraz and I got it, we checked with Austin.-Daniel Krane
12:31 PM
Go Red Sox!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2:30 PM
i havent figured it out yet
2:30 PM
mr. welch, you should enter odd nullset into the superhero competition
2:32 PM
yeah, that was pretty tough Austin!!! But anyways, WHO WANTS ICE CREAM!?!?!?
-Michael (no offense to you Austin)
6:59 PM
Mr. Welch is awesome all in favor, post a comment saying so.
7:03 PM
7:03 PM
You know this is really keeping me busy. Though, since no one is on I'm going to leave. See ya Mr. Welch!
7:06 PM
Sooooooo Yeah BYE
7:07 PM
Why, no problemo Austin
3:12 PM
I think odd nullset is a hero
7:44 AM
I would say that Odd Nullset is a hero due to his dedication in finding Svetlana Larsson and his great logical and mathematical skills, but not a superhero; he lacks the required "super" abilities.
8:47 AM
Good point, the only "super" thing in odd nullset might be his brain power, but i dont think that qualifies as a super power
12:23 PM
sarcasm it is Austin
6:58 PM
Mr. Welch, if you see this, post a comment at 8:57 PM exactly (any day)
7:06 PM
Mr. Welch, if you see this, post a comment at 8:57 PM exactly (any day)
7:06 PM
We WeRe TaLkInG AbOuT you KeViN
7:13 PM
7:14 PM
hey mr.welch. i got a blog as well. it is help me add some features. PLEASE!!!!
9:14 PM
mr. welch, you need a new post
2:11 PM
well, here's a lot...
3:35 PM
5:05 PM
i keep blieve im typing on this, i guess i have better things to waste my time on....
6:10 PM
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