Mr. Welch's Blogarhythms is the site for 6th grade math at Baker school. Here you will find weekly syllabi, challenge problems, and interesting math-related links. You can also leave comments and questions for the math master himself.

Friday, October 27, 2006

Bizarro Mystery Device Bonus

Winston Bizarro incorrectly assembled his mystery device with 12 inner arms instead of 4! The # of beads per arm is also different from the standard mystery devices we used in class.
What is the highest # you can build on Winston's device assuming that you can't flip out the arms and that you have to build every number between 1 and the highest number?

This bonus question is not on a first-come, first-receive-bonus-point basis. Your solution is due on Monday.

DO NOT post the answer on this (or any other) site.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shiraz and I got it, we checked with Austin.-Daniel Krane

12:31 PM

Blogger Anon said...

Go Red Sox!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2:30 PM

Blogger Anon said...

i havent figured it out yet

2:30 PM

Blogger Anon said...

mr. welch, you should enter odd nullset into the superhero competition

2:32 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah, that was pretty tough Austin!!! But anyways, WHO WANTS ICE CREAM!?!?!?
-Michael (no offense to you Austin)

6:59 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Welch is awesome all in favor, post a comment saying so.

7:03 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


7:03 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know this is really keeping me busy. Though, since no one is on I'm going to leave. See ya Mr. Welch!

7:06 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sooooooo Yeah BYE

7:07 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why, no problemo Austin

3:12 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think odd nullset is a hero

7:44 AM

Blogger Peter Welch said...

I would say that Odd Nullset is a hero due to his dedication in finding Svetlana Larsson and his great logical and mathematical skills, but not a superhero; he lacks the required "super" abilities.

8:47 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good point, the only "super" thing in odd nullset might be his brain power, but i dont think that qualifies as a super power

12:23 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

sarcasm it is Austin

6:58 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Welch, if you see this, post a comment at 8:57 PM exactly (any day)

7:06 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Welch, if you see this, post a comment at 8:57 PM exactly (any day)

7:06 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

We WeRe TaLkInG AbOuT you KeViN

7:13 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


7:14 PM

Blogger Shiraz said...

hey mr.welch. i got a blog as well. it is help me add some features. PLEASE!!!!

9:14 PM

Blogger Anon said...

mr. welch, you need a new post

2:11 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

well, here's a lot...

3:35 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


5:05 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

i keep blieve im typing on this, i guess i have better things to waste my time on....

6:10 PM


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